what resteraunt would you be?

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alot of people head to fast food restaurants everyday and some people don't. this is a quiz to see which one of these main selling fast food restaurants you are.

what restaurant are you? are you the one people like... or hate. i guess its time to find out when you answer these questions. note: last one is a joke there is no benefit to answering it.

Created by: zach

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. which food do you perfer?
  2. what is your weight?
  3. fast food or homemade?
  4. do you live in a crowded city or small town?
  5. how many days a week do you order fast food?
  6. how many people are in your family?
  7. do you have any kids?
  8. how often do you leave your house?
  9. do you have a car?
  10. how good did i do making this?

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