what religious deity are you?

there are doers, and don'ters, you are neither in this quiz. you are judged on true capability! it doesn't matter if you are ginger or not. i put it in cuz' i was dared.

you see, i do this stuff for fun and a truly democratic society. i dont really care what you get in this quiz, neither should our world. we are all unique.

Created by: Kitti kat scratkch
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you evil?
  2. why are you evil?
  3. are you wanting a world of peace and happiness
  4. are you refusing to take part in what others have always done?
  5. are you christian
  6. are you in need of anger management?
  7. are you in search of power and victims?
  8. are you ginger
  9. do you like murder?
  10. did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What religious deity am I?