What REGINA are you? Glitter force

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Hi I’m back with another glitter force quiz!! It’s all about a person I have not mentioned: Regina. She is a child of the king Mercinare. She has dark and light forms. Which one are YOU?

Please do not go back because I want you to do this quiz. It is really good and on light regina there is no image. I hope you really like this quiz. Happy quizzzing!

Created by: Bella
  1. Are you maya friend?
  2. Are you the real child of dark king
  3. Do you ever jump around and say “destain time!”
  4. What is your fav episode
  5. Red or black
  6. Emoticon ?
  7. Emojis!
  8. Lucky number
  9. Ghyyrff
  10. Letter

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Quiz topic: What REGINA am I? Glitter force
