What redstone machine are you?

The world of Minecraft is a lovely world. You can go mining, building, crafting, but best of all, redstone engineering. Have you ever wondered what mechanism you are? Please be honest!

If you are wondering whether you are TNT or Note Block, Piston or Redstone Lamp or Dispenser, then you have come to the right place! Take just 12 questions to find out your true redstone doppleganger!

Created by: Jack H
  1. Are you stubborn?
  2. If you see a chicken running past, what do you do?
  3. Imagine your friend being killed, then their items being taken by the killer. What would you do?
  4. A Skeleton kills you, and you respawn in the middle of nowhere. What do you do?
  5. What do you enjoy most?
  6. What dimension would you most like to visit?
  7. Which potion will help you the most?
  8. If you could design your own custom terrain, what would it look like?
  9. If you could use one command, what would it be?
  10. What is your favourite ore?

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Quiz topic: What redstone machine am I?