What rank would you have in Warrior Cats?

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Hello!!! I hope you will like my quiz, it is the first one I've made and I was rather lazy about it. It should be pretty thorough, but if it isn't wrote some comments about it and I'll fix it.

This is a quiz that will ask you wierd questions so it can determine what your Warrior cats rank is. At the end of this quiz their will be a "No Effect" question, answer it truthfully. PLZ AND TY!!!

Created by: Sage Whisker
  1. Are you brave?
  2. Do you worry about the condition of others and try to help them?
  3. Are you smart and think twice, three times maybe?
  4. Do you have high beliefs?
  5. Do you strong willed?
  6. Are you a selfish person?
  7. What tactic do u use with others?
  8. You see someone who cant walk, what do you do?
  9. Was this a good idea?
  10. DID u like the quiz?

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