what rank is the wizard world are you

this is a quiz about the rank you would be in the wizarding world if you become a wizard somehow or if you like this quiz comment below how it went for you.

who knows you might actually become a wizard for giving me a like or finding a genuine bottle or something like a blessing happens to you for like you become a strong wizard

Created by: the beast
  1. what type of magic would you have
  2. what would you want to do be hidden in the wizarding world or be showing your self and your magic
  3. what weapon would you have
  4. what race would you be
  5. would you even be a wizard
  6. what place would live in on earth
  7. are you a caring person or a war type of person
  8. what type of fighting do you prefer
  9. how much do you like nature
  10. what would you do if the world ended

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Quiz topic: What rank is the wizard world am I
