What Rank in a Warrior Cat Clan Are You? | Comments

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  • Omg!!! I got med cat. I might have memerisd Half of the med cat herbs

    Alder Bark: Bark from an alder tree is good for healing toothaches.

    Blackberry Leaves: This herb is good for bee stings.

    Borage Leaves: This herb is used to treat fevers. It also helps nursing queens bring up their milk supply.

    Burdock Root:This herb is used to treat infections, and is especially good for rat bites.

    Catmint (also called catnip): This herb is good for treating whitecough and greencough.

    Cela ndine: This herb is used to ease pain. It can also be used to treat injuries of the eyes.

    Chamomile: This herb is used to calm a cat in the case of a nervous breakdown or severe shock.

    Chervile: This herb is used to treat bellyache.

    Chervile Root: This herb is used to keep away and treat infections.

    Chickweed: This herb can be used as another treatment for greencough.

    Coltsfoot: This herb can be used as another treatment for whitecough. It can also be used to ease a sick cat's breathing.

    Comfrey: This herb is used to put broken bone on the right path for mending.

    Daisy Leaves: This herb is used to soothe aching joints.

    Dandelion Leaves: This is another herb used to calm a cat in the event of a nervous breakdown or severe shock.

    Dock Leaves: This herb is used to treat nettle stings. Its juices are also good for soothing sore paw pads.

    Elder Leaves: This herb can be used to help treat sprains.

    Feaverfew: This herb is used to cool feverish cats and treat headaches.

    Goldenrod: This herb is used in poultices to treat aching joints and stiffness. It can also be used to treat severe injuries.

    Gooseg rass: This herb is used to stop bleeding from a wound.

    Horsetail This herb is used to t

  • Medicine cat,I do tend to find myself most likely as a medicine cat or queen sense I wanna help the I'll/wounded warriors as well as be around and protect the kits. Pawsome quiz mate.

  • Warrior

  • SWEET! 100%medicine cat! Totally fits me!


  • DEPUTY!!!!!

  • Apprentice(Medicine cat preferably)

  • 100% medicine cat! yay! i am so fit to be a medicine cat.


  • i didn't read the books soooo i don't know WTF is going on.


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