What race would you be

What race you want to be? well check it out here!!! You can be anyone so im waiting for your results you can be anyone! Wanna be dragon? Try to be one!

Will you be a goblin dragon or something else??? Test it out now!!! (Im too lazy i need to do it cuz i need minimum 100 words too create so yeahhjhhh)

Created by: Justahumanbeing
  1. will you be a existing race?
  2. If you choosed yes, then will you be good or bad?(skip it if you choosed no)
  3. If you choosed no then would you be an animal?
  4. Will you be a mythology race?
  5. Will you protect humans?
  6. Will you eat humans? (Skip thie if you choosed yes)
  7. Can you fly?
  8. Will you live in caves/underground?
  9. Can you use magic?
  10. Can you swim?(skipif you can fly)

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