What pyrriah tribe are you?

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This quiz will determine what wings of fire tribe you are I accidentally forgot to add the mud wings sorry mud wings fans I hope you enjoy the quiz remember to click a smiley rating

Ignore Tony baloney my god I’m part because I’m a vehicle that we are a bumjxjxj jxncjxjjcjcmcjcmcmdmmckdmcmcmcmcmmcmmcmcmcmcmdkkdmdkdmmdmd---kdkdkcm. Ppppignorejdjcj

Created by: StarquakeaNightwing
  1. Boy or girl
  2. Favourite tribe
  3. Fave colour
  4. Meat or vegetables
  5. Wings of fire book
  6. Continued from question five
  7. Hi
  8. Scavenger
  9. Bbbghbghhhhhh
  10. Question

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Quiz topic: What pyrriah tribe am I?
