What punishment do you need?

Have you been naughty and need to be disciplined? Take this quiz and find out what punishment you're getting for your behaviour. Oh, and please be honest with your answers. Wouldn't want to find yourself in even more trouble, would you?

This quiz is meant to be taken by consenting adults only. It is made for entertainment value and should not be taken as an actual recommendation for enforcing a certain behaviour in real life relations.

Created by: redrocket
  1. How well behaved have you been in the past week?
  2. Did you do any of the following in the past week:
  3. If you misbehaved, do you think you deserve to be punished?
  4. Do you keep misbehaving even after getting punished for it?
  5. Imagine you're getting homework to deliver tomorrow at 8am. When are you getting it done?
  6. Do you think you need to be punished harder for your mistakes?
  7. Approximately how often have you misbehaved in the past week?
  8. Have you been honest and admitted your misbehaviours when confronted about them?
  9. We're getting close to finding out what punishment you'll be getting. Have you been honest with your answers so far?
  10. Last question. This is totally hypothetical, but what colour do you think would suit your bottom best?

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Quiz topic: What punishment do I need?

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