What punishment do you need?

If you got no punishment, why did you take this quiz if your good and obviously not get punished? If you got small punishment, you will get punished a little bit, it's not big. If you got medium punishment, your punishment won't be big or small it will just be a 50/50 punishment, If you got large punishment, you will get the hardest punishment in the quiz and you better complete which one you get!

The quiz will determine what punishment you deserve for doing whatever you did wrong at home or school, just answer these questions a lot have no effect but some have effect and will increase the chance of your punishment

Created by: xboxplayz29
  1. How old are you? (No effect)
  2. What gender? (No effect)
  3. What did you do wrong
  4. Which is your most recent recent punishment? (No effect)
  5. If you been spanked what tool do you usually use? (No effect)
  6. Why did you do what you did?
  7. Who is your punisher? (No effect)
  8. Are you ashamed of what you did?
  9. Do you get physical or corporal punishments
  10. What's your favourite punishment (no effect)
  11. Where is the punishment? (No effect)
  12. What will be the spanking position? (No effect)

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Quiz topic: What punishment do I need?

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