What punishment do you need?

Hey dude! Probably here to take the quiz! Me too actually. I'm going to take it too, and I have no idea what I'll get. Are you ready??????? Let's do this!

Ladidadida ladidadida hahahahahahahaha using up random space! Who actually reads these? Not meeeeeeee!!!! Do you deserve this? Let's see!!! Random space!

Created by: Bellrfahbst
  1. Girl or boy?
  2. Is it day or night right now?
  3. Have you been really bad?
  4. Is it cold?
  5. Do you have stuff to do right now?
  6. Will you do whatever it says?
  7. I'm out of questions to ask
  8. Another random question
  9. I'm so bored
  10. Are you ready for the result?

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Quiz topic: What punishment do I need?

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