What Prophesied Dragonet Are You?

Hope you enjoy. Sorry if you didn't get what you wanted. You can find me on wattpad @ThatOneHybridAnimus. Have fun!!!!😉Dragonets of Destiny! yay!! Glory? Clay? Sunny? Tsunami? Starflight?

Ok lets fill this up: Dragonets of Destiny! Dragonets of Destiny, yes thats you! Dragonets of Destiny, I'm calling you! Dragonets of Destiny, will stop the war! Dragonets of Destiny, THEY'RE KIDS!Dragonets! Dragonets of Destiny🐄🍩🍽📜👑😃

Created by: That_OneHybridAnimus
  1. What best describes your personality?
  2. Favourite Colours
  3. What word or words stands out to you the most
  4. Quick! You have to fight what weapon do you use?!
  5. Phew, Kestrel saved you before you had to fight, how do you feel about this?
  6. What do you think about scavengeres? (People)
  7. What do you think about your family?
  8. Final question... What are you most afraid of?
  9. Just Kidding... What do you enjoy doing?
  10. Okay we all knew this was coming... Favourite Food?
  11. What is your gender?
  12. What is your biggest secret?
  13. Okay Final question... Where do you live?

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Quiz topic: What Prophesied Dragonet am I?
