What Pretty Little Liars Girl are you?

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Pretty little liars quiz, who are you actually on pretty little liars! Now sorry if the quiz is terrible. Please enjoy it. ...........................

Complete it! ............................................................,............................................................................

Created by: Miah
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your hobby?
  2. What color is your hair?
  3. Complete this sentence "Mom i ___"
  4. What is the worst thing you have ever done?
  5. Finish the sentence "I got an _ on my test"
  6. Favorite drink?
  7. Who is your favorite boy on the show?
  8. Favorite color?
  9. Favorite song artist? (out of the ones below)
  10. Do you like Jenna Marshall?

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Quiz topic: What Pretty Little Liars Girl am I?