What President are You?

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There are only a select few people who can be elected President of the United States and there are only a few who can control the presidency! But you may be next!

Do you have the power and the brains to hold the powers of the President of the United States? Most people I have to say sadly are not even qualified!

Created by: Troy Hay
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What are your ideas on government?
  2. Are you Democrat Liberal Democrat Conservative, Republican Conservative or Republican Liberal
  3. Your Ideas on Communism?
  4. Would you go for change?
  5. If you were were president what would you do if someone attacked the U.S.?
  6. Where do you live?
  7. If you ever became president what would you do when you first sat in that seat?
  8. What would you do when you walk in the White House when you get elected?
  9. Would you first: Run around the White House! Second: Walk into the Oval Office screaming or Thirdly take a nap and wake up get in your scooter screaming at senators?
  10. What are you out of these?

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Quiz topic: What President am I?