what predator character are you?

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i will tell you what character you are based on how you reply to these questions! reply how you would, no picky answers! you get what you get an don’t get upset >:P

PSA: this is my first quiz so only take it loosely, i only added a few characters because... i dunno i’m lazy or something... anyway enjoy the quiz ^_^

Created by: bug
  1. you’ve got the day off, what will you do with your time?
  2. someone has done something embarrassing, what is your reaction?
  3. you get to design a creature of prey, what will it look like?
  4. choose your outfit!
  5. it’s time for your one-on-one fight! what music’s playing?
  6. what’s your favourite colour
  7. you become famous for something, what is it?
  8. hmmm.. i see... who do you want to get on this quiz?
  9. how do you feel about nick-names?
  10. what predator or AvP movie was your favourite?

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Quiz topic: What predator character am I?
