What power would be for you in a apocalypse?

A zombie apocylipce to be precise, I can't .. Zalgo.. He comes...

Sorry about that, it's 12 something in The morning, not a good time to Make a quiz if you want it to make sence, 173 don't look away, don't blink, Good night.

Created by: Creepypanda
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You hear news of a zombie outbreak in your area. What do you do?
  2. What would you do if jeff the killer was standing next to your bed?
  3. Zombies are banging at your door, You have no food, now what?
  4. You are doomed
  5. Mothscales
  6. Saturn's day
  7. 42
  8. E
  9. Q
  10. JJ

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