What power of three are you(short)

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Hello, this is a quiz to tell what power of three you are based on five questions. Please answer the questions honestly. P.S I included hollyleaf instead of dovewing beacause she is believed to be part of the prophecy.

Please enjoy and make sure you've read at least up to Sunrise if you don’t want spoilers. This is purely for entertainment so don't get mad if you don’t get the result you wanted

Created by: Bookworm
  1. What is the worst thing that could happen
  2. What would the ideal suffix for your warrior name represent
  3. Whom do you want as your mate
  4. How important is pure blood
  5. Do you have friends in other clans
  6. What do you take to a deserted island
  7. Are you...
  8. Who is your favourite Greek god/goddess
  9. Hi
  10. Did you like Leafpool

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Quiz topic: What power of three am I(short)
