What power is within you?

This is only for people who want or need to figure out their personalitys and who they are. It can also tell you what you can do kind of but a little bit exagerated!

Are you able to control emotions and let out your inner you if so this quiz is PERFECT for ONLY YOU. You dont know what is in you unless you try it !!

Created by: jessica
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you like to do with your friends?
  2. Do people mistake you for someone else
  3. now who do you love the most
  4. What smiley do you like
  5. is this quiz boring? (O_O)
  6. Did you ever wonder why the sky is blue?
  7. i was just wondering what is your hair color
  8. did you like this quiz (will not count)
  9. will you be my friend???? ^-^
  10. how will you say bye

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