What power in wings of fire would u have

Hello I did this for my friends to make sure of something. If I didn’t it could have meant world destruction. I’m also filling up space for this paragraph.

Arggghh why is this so long. This is going to take for ever to make. Right now I have only done 4 questions. You’ll see 10. Apparently it’s compulsory in this site to have at least 10 questions. I didn’t need it to be that long. Plus this is using up all my battery.

Created by: Glory Ray
  1. Have u ever wanted to see what someone was thinking or what they might do?
  2. If you were in a battle what power would u want
  3. What is your way to finding a solution
  4. If you are bored then what would u do
  5. If you wanted to go on a holiday where would u go
  6. What would your friends describe you as?
  7. Which of these hobbies would you prefer to do?
  8. Pick one (thinking of questions is hard)
  9. If you could do anything to the most annoying person in the world what would it be?
  10. How are you feeling about getting your answer??

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