What power do you have?

There are many ordain airy people do you want to find out if you are different? Do you have powers?Do you have the power take this quiz and find out if you do.

Are you cool? Do you have powers? Well guess what! Now you can find out with this simple quiz that only has twelve simple questions. Come see if you can unvanquish your true power!

Created by: Someone
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Let's get this over with(sigh) what is your favorite color.
  2. How do you feel about being with others?
  3. Do you like the heat?
  4. Do you like water?
  5. What is your name?
  6. So far do you like the quiz?
  7. Are you kind?(be honest)
  8. What is your favorite Pokemon?
  9. When is your birthday?
  10. Last question will you foment?

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Quiz topic: What power do I have?