What power do you have

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A goofy quiz about what power you would have if you were a super hero....... The possible power shall remain a secret until the end but i will give a few hints on what you need: GEEK BRAIN, SMARTNESS, COMMON SENSE(!!!!!!!)...

Is it possible you are a fire super hero? A iBallisticSquid(water) super hero???? A SUPER STRETCH AMAZING PERSON?????? And many more you COULD be......

Created by: Slnvy
  1. Which of these do you like the most?
  2. What kind of whether do you likie?
  3. What Water Source do you like?
  4. Which do you think is the fluffiest?
  5. Which is the darkest?
  6. Which do you think is the most attractive?
  7. What type of pokemon is Drowzee
  8. What is a creeper from minecraft supposed to resemble?
  9. What is nyan cat saying in the original nyan cat song?
  10. What is the wife from incredibles name?
  11. Who is Debby Harry

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Quiz topic: What power do I have