What popular jammer are you?

Are you Libertyy?Wisteriamoon?julian2? take my quiz and see if you have what it takes to be a popular jammer! You will love to see yourself in animal jam after you take this quiz!

Are YOU a popular jammer? are YOU ready to take this quiz? are YOU rare? are YOU going to awnser all of these questions because I am not! Take the "What popular jammer are you?" quiz now!

Created by: pdb
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which is your favorite jammer?
  2. how many spikes do you have?
  3. how many rares do you have?
  4. do you have a headdress?
  5. are you a member or nonmember?
  6. do you have a youtube channel?
  7. if you had 10,000 gems what would you do with it??
  8. you wanted a founder SO bad what would you trade?
  9. do you have any betas?
  10. BONUS: pick one this has literally no effect

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Quiz topic: What popular jammer am I?