What political party should you join?

This quiz is about political preferences in relations to both policy and culture. caution because I contained profanity Idk if they have a caution thing on the quiz but I'm giving you one now.

So apparently I have to fill up space so Im gonnna do it. Im gonna fill up every single word and its gonna be f---ing great mate. I just love to do t

Created by: Alex of Bloomy3910
(your link here more info)
  1. Do you trust the government?
  2. If you saw a homeless man begging for money would you give it.
  3. Do you agree with same sex marriage?
  4. Can a business be too big to fail?
  5. If you are voting in this election who are you picking?
  6. Would you ever consider voting third party?
  7. Who should be on welfare?
  8. Should Marijuana be legal nationally?
  9. f---, Marry, Kill: Bill Clinton, George Bush, Barack Obama
  10. Should we indict Hillary

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Quiz topic: What political party should I join?