What political ideology are you?

Basically this is a quiz on what political ideology are you. You will have 20 questions on mostly social laws and just a few are economics and constitutional.

Thanks for using this. Once again, this shouldn't be your prime source for what you are truly are in terms of politics. It just a fun but accurate quiz to do. For whatever the occasion.

Created by: ioio
  1. A government official introduce a bill on Agriculture Research, what would you vote?
  2. A government official introduce a bill on Basic Income, what would you vote?
  3. A government official introduce a bill on a Carbon Tax, what would you vote?
  4. A government official introduce a bill on Death Sentence, what would you vote?
  5. A government official introduce a bill on Environmental Education, what would you vote?
  6. A government official introduce a bill on Free Public Transport, what would you vote?
  7. A government official introduce a bill on GMO Ban, what would you vote?
  8. A government official introduce a bill on Hunting Regulations, what would you vote?
  9. A government official introduce a bill on Independence Day what would you vote?
  10. A government official introduce a bill on Junk Food Tax, what would you vote?
  11. A government official introduce a bill on Legalize Prostitution, what would you vote?
  12. A government official introduce a bill on Military Service, what would you vote?
  13. A government official introduce a bill on National Parks, what would you vote?
  14. A government official introduce a bill on the Olympic Games, what would you vote?
  15. A government official introduce a bill on Propaganda Law, what would you vote?
  16. A government official introduce a bill on Recycling, what would you vote?
  17. A government official introduce a bill on Sex Education, what would you vote?
  18. A government official introduce a bill on Torture Prohibition, what would you vote?
  19. A government official introduce a bill on a Chruch Tax, what would you vote?
  20. A government official introduce a bill on Universal Health Care, what would you vote?
  21. A government official introduce a bill on Vehicle Emission Limits, what would you vote?
  22. A government official introduce a bill on Working Times, what would you vote?
  23. A government official introduce a bill on Presidential Election, what would you vote?

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Quiz topic: What political ideology am I?
