what pokemon trainer are you

THIS IS A QUIZ ABOUT POKEMON ENJOY!!!!!!!! GO ON DO IT!!!!!! !!!! WE HOPE YOU ENJOY THE QUIZ!!! DO IT!! start my quiz or I will beat the @#$% out of you

HAVE YOU DONE IT YET!!! IF NOT THEN DO IT RIGHT NOW I MEAN IT DOOO IT these paragraphs do nothing at all they just annoy you so just start my quiz!!! bye

Created by: OZCAR of dis is my link
(your link here more info)
  1. what is electric type weak to
  2. what were the three original eveeloutions
  3. what are the three kanto legendary birds
  4. what reigion is mew from
  5. what was the first ever region?
  6. what Alolan legendary is the moone pokemon
  7. what are the kalos starters
  8. what is mewtwo's type
  9. what is ghost type immune to?
  10. what trainer are you

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Quiz topic: What pokemon trainer am I
