what pokemon personality do you have

do u think your a genius then come on try this quiz because if youare a genius you shoul be genius enough to try my test just try it you no you want to and after you do you will be considered a true genius in my book.

are you tempted by this title?, i am too. so just try it if you do you will feel much beeter knowing that your cool for trying my test. all it takes is a few minutes it wont hurt i promise.

Created by: jack

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. where would you most like to live
  2. pick a pokemon
  3. your colour choice
  4. pick a type
  5. your intelligence
  6. how many friends do you have
  7. whick pokemon woud you like to be
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Quiz topic: What pokemon personality do I have