What Pokemon Are You? | Comments

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  • What Pokemon Are You?
    Your Result: Mewtwo 80%. Lets goooo

    You are very powerful and you know it you look down on others who you know aren't better than you and you pick on the weak. You will accept any challenge weak or strong and will never back down.

    77% Machoke
    73% Charizard
    57% Pikachu
    23% Snorlax
    21% Magikarp
    14% Kangaskhan
    13% Chansey

  • Your Result: Snorlax 93%

    You'd rather sleep then fight. You can fight but usually only when your food is being stolen or your sleep is being interrupted. When you do fight you are lethal no one wants to mess with you.

    88% Magikarp
    66% Pikachu
    54% Charizard
    50% Chansey
    47% Machoke
    47% Mewtwo
    36% Kangaskhan

  • What Pokemon Are You?
    Your Result: Pikachu 91%

    You enjoy a friendly battle here and there, but when the going gets rough you get going! You aren't someone to be toyed with. You can defend your ground!

    73% Charizard
    59% Machoke
    57% Kangaskhan
    50% Snorlax
    50% Magikarp
    48% Mewtwo
    48% Chansey
    Yes he’s so cute

  • Snorlax,well I do like cats alot but I'm the complete opposite of a good lover and being lazy but cool quiz anyways mate. Snorlax is a cool Pokemon.

  • I'm pikachu! Awesome, I love pokemon, mostly pikachu!

    Miss Awesome
  • 10 stars!

    Miss Awesome
  • Nice quiz.

  • im a chansey i dont know wat that is lol


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