What pokemon are you

Hello, pokemon fanatics. I have put together a quiz to help you become your all time favorite pokemon. Who will you be? Blastoise? Of the adorable Eevee.

Well, this is your time. Find out who you are. In this quiz. And don't forget to tell your friends. rivhfrjfvbvfvnfv. I added that in sense nobody really reads this part of the quiz, anyway.

Created by: James
  1. What type do you want to be?
  2. What pokemon are you hoping to get?
  3. Whats your favorite pokemon?
  4. what is your favorite color
  5. What would you do if your owner left you at home for a day?
  6. Who would your owner be?
  7. Which region do you live in
  8. Pretend your owner took you to an amusment park that doesn't allow pokemon inside. What would you do.
  9. If you could talk, what would you say
  10. Which do you think is cooler?

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Quiz topic: What pokemon am I
