What place are you in your friend group?

This quiz will tell you what place you are in your friend's group. Are you a leader? Are you the kind one? Are you stubborn? Are you sassy? Or are you indepenant?

I worked really hard on this, and I hope you enjoy this and find out what you really are! Hope you enjoy this and find this helpful! From the creator, Debina ;)

Created by: Debina
  1. Are you kinder or nicer than the rest of your group?
  2. Do you have more attention than the rest of your group?
  3. Do you hang around your friends often?
  4. Let's say that your friend is badly hurt, you...
  5. None of your friends have studied for the test, but you have. You...
  6. Your mom has grounded you. You.....
  7. Your favourite singer has a concert, but at the same time, you and your friends planned to go to the movies. You...
  8. Your tired. You..
  9. Are you more of a night person or a morning person?
  10. Last question, your having a sleepover with your friends, and you get mad at them and they kick you out, you....

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Quiz topic: What place am I in my friend group?
