What Pet Should YOU Get?

What pet should you get? This is a very difficult question, if you consider all of the different animals, creatures, and pets there are. So, which one best fits you?

Well, find out in just minutes with this easy, simple, yet fun test/quiz! It only has twelve simple questions, but many answers to fit who you really are! And who you really are effects what kind of pet you should get!

Created by: Bailee
  1. Do you have a lot of free time in your daily life?
  2. How much can you spend on food? (I realize this question is a tad personal, so you can just hit "I'm not really going to answer that" at the bottom. It will not mean anything, I won't judge you and think you are poor or rich, just personal is understood.)
  3. What kind of a place do you live in?
  4. What kind of companionship are you looking for?
  5. What time can you take to exercise an animal?
  6. How much time can you put aside for training?
  7. Do you know how much RESPONSIBILITY and PATIENCE it will take to own a pet correctly?
  8. Where are you planning to get this pet, whatever it is?
  9. Paws or claws?
  10. Do you think you have what it takes to care for a best friend?

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Quiz topic: What Pet should I Get?