What Pet Should You Get?

Are you an animal lover? Want to get the perfect pet? Well find out which one to get in this quiz! After taking it, this quiz will tell you which pet is the best for you. Your result may be unexpected, but I assure you that is the perfect pet.

This super accurate quiz is really fun and easy. All you have to do is answer ten easy questions and then submit them. Next you'll have your results- the best pet for you. You could get a dog, cat, bird or fish. So go on, start the quiz!

Created by: goldenparrot25
  1. Do you even want to get a pet?
  2. Which one of these pets do you want most?
  3. How long are you usually home?
  4. Would you eventually get bored of your pet?
  5. How many pets could you easily care for?
  6. Do you usually get along with animals?
  7. What do you want your pet to be like?
  8. Do you want a quiet and easy pet, or a loud and playful pet?
  9. What would you like to do with your pet?
  10. Do you think you'll be happy with you result?(Does not effect result)

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Quiz topic: What Pet should I Get?
