What pet is right for you?

I decided to make this quiz because I think this will help lots of people who want to get a pet but aren't eally sue about which type. This quiz won't take long so if you are wondeing what pet you should get try to take this quiz.

I know lots about pets so I really think that this will help some people.

Created by: toni

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have a big backyard?
  2. Do you ahve time to play with your new pet?
  3. do you like fluffly animal?
  4. do you have fancy things your house?
  5. do you mind if any furniture gets scartched?
  6. Do you want a pet that will be at your feet following you arounf 24 7 ?
  7. around how much time each day do you have to spend with your pet.
  8. do you mind if your chlothes get animal hairs on them?
  9. can you afford things for your pet? example- food, collar, vet check ups, toys, etc.
  10. are you even allowed to buy a pet? if you are a younger person

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