What Pet Is Right For You?

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Thinking of getting a pet but don't know which one? Then this quiz is for you! In this quiz, WPIRFY, you'll find the right pet for you. There are six kinds you could get.

Whether you're doing this quiz for fun or generally want to know what pet is right for you, this quiz will tell you what pet you should get! Quiz not recommended for those with allergies.

Created by: Dragon Friend
  1. First of all, how big is your garden?
  2. Next! What would you want in a pet?
  3. Also, which place or places do you visit most?
  4. Okay! And what do you think of 'alone time'?
  5. Which season do you like best?
  6. Famous question: favorite color?
  7. Sorry for that previous question. Favorite animal?
  8. Now... a name for your pet.
  9. Choose a form of warmth.
  10. And a book?
  11. And what grades do you/did you get in school?
  12. Have you ever had a pet before?
  13. Alright, I'm running out of questions. Where would you want to live?
  14. Last question: your personality?
  15. Actually no it's not the end. Hehe. Did I trick you?
  16. An element?
  17. Okay, now this is the REAL end of the quiz. Fight, Flight, Freeze or Fawn?

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