what pet are you?

ever wonder what pet you where. now you can know!maybe your a cat or a dog.maybe your a fish or a guinea pig.you'll find out once you're done the quiz!

this quiz isn't very long but its just long enough to be fun. if the results don't sound like you that's okay! its just for fun.I hope you enjoy this quiz!

Created by: percyjacksonrocks
  1. when you have spare time what do you usually do?
  2. when you hit the town what do you do
  3. what movies do you like to watch
  4. what type of snack would you have
  5. pick a color( / means or)
  6. what book would you rather read.
  7. what is a fun group number to you
  8. if you had to choose a weapon which one would you have.
  9. what pet would you have?
  10. did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What pet am I?
