What personality do you have

This quiz is about knowing how mean you are or hoe naive you are so take this quiz to find out and wake up to your self to know what you do to other people

Some people may not know if the are mean or not some people are just mean or they learn of people off movies or just picked it up so after this quiz you will know the answer

Created by: Kiara of Kiara.com
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If Someone spills a drink on you do you
  2. Someone trips you
  3. Someone hits on you
  4. A nerd likes you
  5. You see someone getting bulled
  6. Someone wears something hideous
  7. Someone trips
  8. Someone wears the same thing as you
  9. Someone broke there arm
  10. Someone gets your part

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Quiz topic: What personality do I have