What personality do u have?!

Everyone has a different personality. We all find each other to be different. A personality trait is something that describes U. maybe ur funny. Or maybe ur....not😶

Do u wanna know UR PERSONALITY TRAIT!? Take this short quiz. U can only wonder what u are like. Remember this is just for fun! This isn't accurate so don't get mad! Why r u still reading? BYE FELICIA!!

Created by: Fatima
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. R u always making people smile?
  2. R u always the one that people call out for being "weird"?
  3. R u the one that's always "okay"
  4. R u always tired and mad
  5. R u outgoing even though others think it's stupid
  6. R u the one everyone is THANKFUL to have
  7. R u cool with whatever is going on.
  8. Im running out of questions....how do u feel so far
  9. This doesn't count....do u like Selena Gomez?
  10. Last question--if u were stuck in a cave what would u do?

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