What Personality Are You?

Okai soo...uhm....there are three results i guess: emo...preppy...and a wannabe! hopefully ur happy with wutcha get! lmao well uhm hope u enjoy my quiz!

Uhmm....are you an emo or are you not sure? or do you think maybe your preppy? maybe your a wannabe? Or...maybe your just not sure..and you took this quiz to find out? I mean, if anything, you probably took this cuz u were bored. Lol anywayz...have fun kay? =]

Created by: Erika

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What Is Your Favorite Color?
  2. What kind of clothes do you wear?
  3. What kind of pets would you like to have/ have already?
  4. What do you think of the world?
  5. I think... ("I" being you)
  6. If you could, you'd....
  7. Your room is...
  8. what color is your hair?
  9. Bare with meh, im almost done... (doesnt effect score)
  10. okai so this is the last question...are you ready for it? okayy so here it is...*dramatic pause* Are you ready to see your results? :O!

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Quiz topic: What Personality am I?