What person are you? Chinese, Hollander or English?

In this quiz you see if you are most like a Hollander, Chinese or English person. I made ( and will make ) lots of other quizzes too. Please search for my other quizzes too. Have fun!

Good luck with your quiz! I am a Hollander. Not just in the quiz, but in real life too! I wonder what you will be? Please comment and rate my quizzes!

Created by: Dawnsky
  1. Read the opening paragraphs first ok. Do you like cheese?
  2. What kind of shoes do you wear?
  3. What is your favorite food?
  4. Favorite environment?
  5. I can’t really think of questions anymore so just random. Do you like horses?
  6. Do you like flying in a plane?
  7. Do you like palm trees?
  8. Do you like trains?
  9. Do you like the warriors series?
  10. Bye!

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Quiz topic: What person am I? Chinese, Hollander or English?
