what percy jackson charcter are you

thank you for takeing my test i love percy jackson charters . i am a crazy person when it come to it.Im sorry if it is bad. I was board and needed to do something.

in this quiz you will find out what Percy Jackson charter you are. I was doing my best and this was my first quiz i have made in my life. so do a good jod to find your charter.

Created by: Dharma Lane
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who do you want to be?
  2. Witch one ?????????
  3. What group are you in ??????
  4. what is your favorite color
  5. Witch one
  6. are you bored
  7. what kind of person are you?
  8. Did you read the books?
  9. are you crazy for these charters?
  10. who do you want as your girlfriend /boyfriend?

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Quiz topic: What percy jackson charcter am I