What Percy Jackson character are you?

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If you like Percy Jackson and you want to know what character you are, take this quiz, and you will see who you are! I hope you like it and don't get mad at me if you don't get who you want

I based some of this quiz on the book and the show, not really the movie's because because in my opinion, their not the best, they are so different from the book

Created by: Olivia
  1. What is your element
  2. Who's your favorite character?
  3. Do you enjoy eating cans?
  4. If you were the prophesy kid, what would you do?
  5. Percy: Who are youThalia: Lets kill her*What do you say*
  6. (Girls) if you could join Artemis would you?
  7. What's your weapon?
  8. What's your favorite color?
  9. Kill or save
  10. Book for movie (Doesn't count)

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Quiz topic: What Percy Jackson character am I?
