What percent is your lazy side

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This quiz will try and guess how lazy you are! this is my second quiz, so i still dont really know what im doing! check out my other quiz! What High School Label Are You? By: someone

how lazy are YOU? comment your result and say how accurate it is!!! i will take suggestions! have a great day. or night. now go outside and play, kids! (if its day)

Created by: someone
  1. How often do you find yourself on your couch
  2. How clean is your room
  3. Do you ever fix your own dinner?
  4. how lazy do you think you are?
  5. what kind of clothing do you wear
  6. pick a word
  7. which are you?
  8. have you ever been outside of your house?
  9. How many friends do you have?
  10. last question. pick a drink

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Quiz topic: What percent is my lazy side
