what percent gamer are you?

Hey gamers! If you want test your true gaming urge, enter on, and beleive that you are A TRUE GAMER but if you don't get higher than 20% theres something wrong with you.

Ok still here??? well I have nothing else to say. Just if you into games like Ice Dodo and Boxel rebound Look at my website it's called EJs gaming videos.

Created by: EJ_THE_HYBRID of ejsgamingvideos.com
(your link here more info)
  1. When you get home you always....
  2. What is your most valuble quality?
  3. How would you ace a stratagy game?
  4. What game you always play first?
  5. Favourite school subject?
  6. Longest game streak?
  7. How many people do you game with?
  8. What do you game on
  9. What does AFK, mean?
  10. What does IDK mean?
  11. What does Ty mean?
  12. Will you subscribe to my Website? [no urls]#

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Quiz topic: What percent gamer am I?
