What people see you as(Quiz)

This quiz will tell you what people actually think about you by your actions. It’s really easy just answer the answers truthfully and it will tell you what you are at the end. That is what will happen and I hope you enjoy finding out what you are like

This quiz will have 5 questions that will help tell what you are like at the end. There are 4 different things/ personality you could be. Hope you enjoy my quiz. P.S this took a little while to make.

Created by: Madison
  1. What would you do if your friend backstabs you?
  2. If your mom or dad tells you to do something what would you do
  3. If your friend wants to hangout what would you say
  4. If you fail a test and your parents ask,” what did you get” what would be your excuse
  5. If your friend just got dumped what would you say/do
  6. If you go to a party what will you do
  7. What type of person do you think you are
  8. What hobby’s do you have
  9. What kind of music do you like
  10. Do you have any siblings

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