What parent trap character are you

I love the movie parent trap it's funny,interesting,I recommend it.

Are you evil or good?lolololololololololololololololololololololloololololllolololololololololololololololololololllololololololollolololololollllolololololol

Created by: Rolfing
  1. Do you like the outdoors ?
  2. Be honest do you think your good at lying ?
  3. Are u fancy or casual in clothing
  4. Are a trouble maker ?
  5. Do u like playing cards
  6. Do you like joking around ?
  7. Are you wimp ?be honest
  8. Are you bored of these questions ( if you are then maaaaaa)
  9. Are you good at fencing?
  10. Bye your done now

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Quiz topic: What parent trap character am I