What One Piece Strawhat Pirate Are You? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What One Piece Strawhat Pirate Are You?

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  • Your Result: You Are: Robin

    You are the most mature person, depending on the age. You get easily amused and you will fight when your friends are in danger. You understand and know archeology and tend to be sometimes morbid.

    You Are: Luffy
    You Are: Chopper
    You Are: Usopp
    You Are: Nami
    You Are: Zoro
    You Are: Sanji
    errr sounds about right
    I'm VERY morbid...
    aw I wanted Luffy :P

  • You Are: Robin 76%

    You are the most mature person, depending on the age. You get easily amused and you will fight when your friends are in danger. You understand and know archeology and tend to be sometimes morbid.

    Hmmm.. ....YEP!! Thats me!

  • Ok weird quiz, but interesting!

  • CHOPPER!!!!!!!!!
    Heh, second closest was Luffy -_-

  • I'm a two-timer, I like both swords AND money. No wonder I got Zoro with Nami as runner-up and the rest were blank, lol


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