What one of my OC warrior cats are you?

Please enjoy, I don’t know what else to say so ignore what I say next cause I need to fill out at least 150 characters so yer, ygkugkjdggewgdwjkfgjkbv


Created by: Skybounce
  1. You see a stranded kit in the middle of the river on top of a skinny log, what do you do?
  2. What clan would you be in and gender (I don’t have WindClan sorry)
  3. What do you do at a gathering?
  4. You see a loner on your territory, what do you do?
  5. Your fighting another clan and you end up having to fight your best friend in another clan, what do you do
  6. Your hunting and you see another cat from another clan that you hate, creeping up to the same mouse you are, what
  7. You just got picked as deputy, what’s your reaction
  8. What’s your favourite cat
  9. What’s your favourite prey
  10. If you had to choose between your mate in another clan and your loyalty to your clan what would you pick

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Quiz topic: What one of my OC warrior cats am I?
