What Olympian Are You?

Gods are immortal that means they don't die nor age the gods can incinerate people and have superhuman powers such as the following Sea, Lightning, and Death

This quiz tests what god fits you best Posidon, Zues, or Hades and tests what you like spooky, shocking, or wet can you get Hades that would be sooooo cool

Created by: Will Tones

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. A war is going on do you...
  2. Do you like to
  3. Do you like
  4. Would you fight alongside
  5. Who do you like
  6. Do you prefer
  7. What weapon do you prefer
  8. Do you like
  9. Do you like to vacation at
  10. Do you hate to be called

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Quiz topic: What Olympian am I?