what of these dragon that I created you are?

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Test this very little quiz and discover what dragon you got. Headbutt dragon night dragon robot dragon brick dragon mountain dragon and aquatic dragon.

Informations: This quiz is very small, only 11 awnsers. The photos was drawn by me and I drew with the app Folioscope. Some dragons was inspired and not created.

Created by: Firo
  1. first, you like dragons?
  2. You like most day or night?
  3. What pattern you most want to have?
  5. Winter is coming! What you would do?
  6. What would you eat now?
  7. Attack how?
  8. What would you fight today?
  9. Do you like tire?
  10. A activity that you love
  11. What you most hate?
  12. Last) you like school?

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