Do you want to know what VILLIAN you are? Well, look no further! Play this quiz to tell you what you are as a future VILLAIN!!! Mwahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

In, my sights, you are going to be a awsome evil VILLAIN!! Well, NINJAGO, OF COURSE!!! Don't do this if you want to!!! Mwahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!

Created by: Carsten
  1. First of all, would you like to be evil?
  2. Would you like to have a ton of EVIL POWER?
  3. Will you beat the NINJAS?
  4. What attribute will you most likely defeat?
  5. Who is your favorite NINJAGO VILLIAN?
  6. Which weapon would you have?
  7. Would you have a brother?
  8. Where would you live?
  9. Which NINJA do you hate?
  10. What will your skin be?
  11. Are there more main NINJAGO VILLAINS?
  12. Who is the most powerful?
  13. Do you think your correct about Q.3?
  14. Are you ready to see what VILLIAN you are?

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Quiz topic: What NINJAGO VILLIAN am I?
